Workshop Schedule for Devon Photography Training
Workshop schedule for the upcoming dates for our photography group workshops and social events.
We have some paid photography events and a free, monthly recurring social event. Sign up to a workshop below or join the mailing list to be informed of our future meeting details.
We have some paid photography events and a free, monthly recurring social event. Sign up to a workshop below or join the mailing list to be informed of our future meeting details.
Ilminster Photography Workshop - New Venue! 5th Feb - 5th March 2025
We now have a new venue in Ilminster to run our Photography workshops for beginners! The Millhouse Cafe and Gallery are letting us take over their 'snug' a room upstairs near the cafe that is perfect for us to practice how to use our cameras and learn everything we need to know about the basic principles of photography, This is the same session as we run at the pavilions in Teignmouth, a 5 week afternoon course for those looking to use their cameras out of automatic mode and to get to grips with the camera settings creatively. It's designed for beginners and those looking to recap their knowledge.
We will have lots of practicals on:
Shutter speed
Exposure Compensation
White Balance
and more.
Worksheets and our online membership and community support your learning on and after the session.
It's £75 per person for our 5 week course which starts on February the 5th from 3-5pm, last date is the 5th March 2025, 3-5pm.
The venue is: The Millhouse Cafe, Rose Mills Industrial Estate, Hort Bridge, Ilminster, TA19 9PS. There is a max group size of 6 photographers.
Sadly there is no disabled access but I can be flexible with 1-2-1 sessions with anyone that this venue is not suitable for, please email [email protected] for queries relating to accessibility.
Sign up using this form below and then check your email inboxes for booking information, your booking will not be confirmed until payment has been made via the invoice that is sent, my terms and conditions will be linked via the email too.
We will have lots of practicals on:
Shutter speed
Exposure Compensation
White Balance
and more.
Worksheets and our online membership and community support your learning on and after the session.
It's £75 per person for our 5 week course which starts on February the 5th from 3-5pm, last date is the 5th March 2025, 3-5pm.
The venue is: The Millhouse Cafe, Rose Mills Industrial Estate, Hort Bridge, Ilminster, TA19 9PS. There is a max group size of 6 photographers.
Sadly there is no disabled access but I can be flexible with 1-2-1 sessions with anyone that this venue is not suitable for, please email [email protected] for queries relating to accessibility.
Sign up using this form below and then check your email inboxes for booking information, your booking will not be confirmed until payment has been made via the invoice that is sent, my terms and conditions will be linked via the email too.
Sign up to our Ilminster 5 Week Course in Photography for Beginners
Teignmouth Photography Courses
Our Teignmouth Pavilions Photography course for beginners runs over five weeks as an evening or afternoon course. Students learn how to use their cameras and the basic principles of Photography with lots of practical tasks, worksheets and examples to guide them. Confidence to fiddle with the camera settings will be gained and friends will be made in this small group of max 6 photographers.
Come along to better understand:
How your camera takes a photo
Shutter Speed
White Balance
Light and it's properties
Exposure Compensation
Your individual cameras dials and functions
How to photograph a wide variety of subjects
Designed for complete beginners who have a mode dial on top of their cameras, usually reading S, A & M or AV, TV & M. Fujifilm cameras in the 'X' range wont have this dial but would still be able to attend.
We will use practical tasks, worksheets and homework throughout the 5 weeks to ensure a wide range of learning/teaching styles are incorporated.
We will learn how to control movement blur in our images, how to control the amount that is in focus in images (for nice blurry backgrounds and sharp group portraits and landscapes) and how to ensure the best image quality when shooting.
You will learn about light direction, your cameras shooting modes, buttons, functions and dials, and a whole bunch of photographic principles that will help you learn what settings are most appropriate for the subject that you like to photograph.
Students will be offered a free membership account with me at to access worksheets and infographics for ongoing support with their learning and will be invited to join our lovely community of Photographers.
Dates for Teignmouth Based Photography Courses
SOLD OUT 30th January 2025 - 7pm - 9pm - 5 Week Evening Course for Beginners in Digital Photography.
24th April 2025 - 7pm - 9pm - 5 Week Evening Course for Beginners in Digital Photography. Book via the Pavilions website:
24th April 2025 - 7pm - 9pm - 5 Week Evening Course for Beginners in Digital Photography. Book via the Pavilions website:
In Person Meet Ups
We hold in-person meet ups with our Photography students once per month. These run on the first Sunday of every month, 11-1pm, from different locations throughout Devon and Somerset. We host the events on our Facebook group and send out information about meet ups to our mailing list which you can join here: