Laura and I shot together in the studio a couple of weeks ago, it was good fun to work with Laura and she brought loads of fun outfits and ideas with her. Some shots were taken using continuous lighting and some with flash, we experimented with colours and shadows and change the mood of each image. Which is your favourite image? I personally love this top one below and the first shot in the orange shirt. <3 If you would like to book yourself or a loved one in for a fun portrait session please see my dedicated portrait photography website here for information on the session and pricing.
Thanks for reading.
Practice is EVERYTHING in Photography, as a tutor I personally like to try and learn as much as I can and better my skills in Business, Teaching and in Photography. As well as running Devon Photography Training's monthly competition I also enter my own work into a monthly competition as well. This shot won me a bronze award with The Guild of Photographer's Image of the Month Competition in May. I am striving to gain that all elusive silver still and I love having such high standards to attain to, it keeps me focussed on improving in my Photography. I would love to know what inspires you and your passion. Do you have a link to your work you can post in the comments?
This month's competition had a theme of Street Photography. See the entries below, thanks to those who entered. The winning entry is at the bottom of this post. Image above entered by Mike Hayes. Image above entered by R Jiggins. Image above entered by Isabel Florendine. Image above entered by Rod Warren of The winner of this month's competition is R Jiggins, the judges felt you captured the scene well with sharp focus and a good eye for the colours in the scene. Well done! You have won a 3 hour 1-2-1 session. If you would like to take part in Devon Photography Training's Monthly competition have a look at our Competitions page. It's free and easy to enter, just interpret the theme with your photography and upload your image. Good Luck.
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