Shooting street photography is all about being able to see an image before you take it. You will find yourself waiting for the right moment, people move quickly through crowds and the light changes regularly (especially in England) it is important to know your camera settings and keep on your toes when shooting street photography
As with all types of Photography practice is key but you can use the following bullet points as prompts on what to look for when you're out shooting: Interestingly lit areas Pattern Leading Lines Story Telling Composition Colours Reflections Experiment with each of these headings as you shoot throughout the day and see what images you get. Make sure to experiment with your angle for each shot and don't just stand and point your camera at your subject. Shoot in a priority mode to allow for sudden changes in lighting, I would suggest using a wide aperture and a fast shutter speed if possible (1/125th - 1/640th depending on how bright your scene is) Are you hungry for more? Get the indepth guide to image analysis for only £5 - an introductory offer, it is designed with current Photographic courses' grading criteria in mind and is a useful tool for students currently studying Photography at school, college and university. It includes a thorough write up on the above points, additional points for consideration, an example analysis and images. Fill out the form below to get your indepth guide today! *Please note: once paid please click 'Return to Merchant Site' to be redirected to the download page*
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